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Chocolate & Orange Rum Liqueur

27.5% ABV/ 70cl


An Indulgent Delight. Velvet meets silky, dark chocolate and zesty orange freshness in our rich premium rum.


Exceptional on its own or over ice.  This really is the perfect after dinner sipping drink.  We recommend not to mix this rum liqueur, but to enjoy it's flavour to the full.


At your next party, serve it as shots, straight from the fridge!


Alternatively there are a multitude of foods to enjoy with the rum.  Pour over ice cream or into hot chocolate for an indulgent treat.  Mix into your favourite chocolate trifle or simply pour over your favourite chocolate dessert.


On the nose, it is sweet with hints of chocolate and caramel.  It feels and tastes creamy and silky on the tongue, chocolate-forward with an orange finish.  The mellow rum flavour shines through without being overpowered by the flavours.


This rum liqueur is the perfect gift to offer rum and non-rum lovers for a Christmas present, or for anniversaries, birthdays, Father's Day, Mother's Day and other special occasions.


* Vegan, Gluten-free

Premium Chocolate & Orange Rum Liqueur 70cl

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